User Guides


Care and Handling Guide

for the 13-inch White Macbook

A good introductory manual for the early 2009 model white macbook. Explains the ports and other hardware features and basic usage of these.

Shows cleaning and proper care for the macbook along with power management and charging instructions. Also explains basic troubleshooting for simple problems.

* Student Macbook

Care and Handling Guide

for the 13-inch White Macbook

A good introductory manual for the late 2009 model white macbook. Explains the ports and other hardware features and basic usage of these.

Shows cleaning and proper care for the macbook along with power management and charging instructions. Also explains basic troubleshooting for simple problems.

* Teacher Macbook, referred as “Uni-body”

Care and Handling Guide

A good introductory manual for care and usage of a macbook in general.

Good for anyone new to handling a macbook.